Thursday, June 9, 2011

Attendance Time in and Time out management (biometrics)

Attendance Time in and Time out management

Menu direction: Leave & Attendance then Capture Punch Time then Capture Punch Time

You will select the type of file:
The options are:

1. Access Database: The access datebase should be on the same system where the application is present that is on server and it should be present on any of the drive.
2. Excel sheet: There can be two columns for date viz. in date and out date; and there can also be a single column for date. There can be either one column where time in and time out is stored or there can be two columns, one for time in and other for time out.
3. Text file with Tab : This file is basically used to import the text file in a specific format. This is client specific format.
4. Dat file : Same as Point 3
5. Text file without tab : This is used when records are present inside the text file without tab just spaces are there so for this purpose we have to calculate the length of that field
If you choose importing Text file without tab then enter the field starting position count and the length of that field. Let us suppose that first row is like this '1 4356 ert 20100923 1003 09:25' and in this string '1003' is employeecode '20100923' is date and '09:25' is Time then in Empcode Enter 20-4 where 20 is the starting position and 4 is the length, for date enter 11-8 where 11 is the starting position and 8 is the length and for time enter 25-5 where 25 is the starting position and 5 is the length.

Blog by BBSPL

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