Saturday, December 4, 2010


Leave & Attendance Process
New “Leave & Attendance Process” form is available under the menu “Attendance Process” in WebPay Payroll. Now user can create/update “Leave & Attendance Template”, “Leave Codes” in a single form and assign opening balance and leaves to employees on the same form.

User can find the following pages in a single form “Leave & Attendance Process”:
1. Leave & Attendance Template Master
2. Leave Master
3. Import/Export Opening Balance
4. Assign Leaves (Individually)
5. Assign Leaves (GroupWise)
The process of template & leave creation and assignment is same as before.
1. The purpose of merging these forms is that now user can do all the leave assignment related activities in a single form. So from now there is no need to find these forms in different-different places.

Employee Shift/Fooding/Overtime Setting :
A new Menu Attendance Process is added in which a sub menu Employee shift/Fooding /Overtime is there.
Through this submenu a new form is added which actually merge the 7 different processes in one Form through tabs. And these processes are:
1. Category Creation
2. Shift Creation
3. Shift parameter Creation
4. Audit details
5. Fooding Hours Creation
6. Overtime Template Creation
7. Budget master Creation
All the above Processes are mainly for Export House attendance process except for category. If a user wants to create a category then he will create from here and keeping rest of the process untouched.

There are two main reasons for this updation:
2. Earlier user has to move from one menu to other to complete all the necessary processes for export house attendance process. Now he will do all the processes under one form.
3. Earlier user has to fill shift parameter and audit details for each and every shift mapped with different categories and if he forgot to fill any of these then attendance for that shift will not be processed. Now on every shift creation default shift Parameter and audit will be created automatically, so that after attendance process attendance will be there for each and every employee according to the default parameter.

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