Tuesday, May 4, 2010

PF / Provident Fund

PF / Provident Fund
Please make sure that Webpay has been configured properly.
1. Check the PF Parameter Settings using the form "Update PF / ESI / PT Configuration"

Deduct VPF on actual Basic Wages:
If you select this option then VPF will be deducted on the Earned Basic else on the PF limit. e.g. if employee's Earned Basic Wage is 10,000 and PF Limit is Rs.6,500 and if you have selected this option then VPF will be deducted on 10,000 and not on 6,500.
Deduct Pension (A/c10) on Arrear:
New Joinees:
Webpay will calculate A/c 10 (Pension) separately on the arrear amount for New Joinees. Therefore the total under A/c 10 might be greater than 541 for the salary pay month as the salary would include the arrear amount.
All: Webpay will calculate A/c 10 (Pension) on the arrear amount for all the employees. Therefore the total under A/c 10 might be greater than 541. If the amount in A/c 10 is already 541 for the month for which arrear is being paid then Webpay will calculate A/c 10 as 0. For eg. Arrear is being paid for April and the value in A/c 10 for April is 541, in this case A/c 10 will be calculated as 0.
No: Webpay will NOT calculate A/c 10 (Pension) on the arrear amount for all the employees. Therefore the total under A/c 10 will never be greater than 541.
Multiple Group:
If you deposit PF as per location / branch then select this option and then create the PF groups.
Deposit PF of employees whose salary is withheld:
If this option is selected then in PF Challan and other PF statements the PF of employees whose salary is withheld will also be published/shown.
Calculate PF Proportionately:
If the PF Limit is 6500 and the Paid Days of an employee are less than total days of month then the PF is calculated proportionately. For eg. Basic is 9000, Paid Days are 25, Earned Basic = 7500, PF would be 12% of (6500/30)*25 = 650. If this is NOT selected then PF would be 12% of 6500 as Earned Basic is greater than 6500.
If you select the Non-Exempted flag then amount of A/c 22 will be displayed as admin charges into PF challan else it will be displayed as inspection charges.

Display Employees whose PF is zero:
If this option is selected then all the employee whose pf > 0 are displayed on the PF monthly statement and Pf Challan and also counted in number of subscriber. If this flag is unchecked then those employee whose pf>0 are not displayed in the PF monthly statement and also not counted in number of subscribers
Display hold employees:
If this option is selected then hold employees will be counted in the number of subscriber and will be displayed in PF monthly statement and PF Challan. If this option is not selected then hold employees will not be displayed in PF monthly statement and PF Challan nor will they be counted in number of subscribers.
Recover PF with miscellaneous recovery on FNF when PF is negative:
If the Earned Basic of an employee is less than 0 i.e. negative then the PF would not come as negative in FNF sheet but this will come as recovery from employee. To make this work you need to create a deduction type paycode and map it with PFRecover. The negative amount will be stored in this paycode.

In the above image you will find some values, these values can be set by you.
Calculate Pension Proportionately:
If the Pension Limit is 6500 and the Paid Days of an employee are less than total days of month then the Pension (A/c10) is calculated proportionately. For eg. Basic is 9000, Paid Days are 25, Earned Basic = 7500, Pension (A/c10) would be 8.33% of (6500/30)*25 = 650. If this is NOT selected then Pension would be 8.33% of 6500 as Earned Basic is greater than 6500.
Admin Charges (Account 21):
If you select Basic Wages then the admin charge under Account 21 will be calculated on the Earned Basic Wages, else you can select Pension Wages.
Admin Charges (Account 22):
If you select Basic Wages then the admin charge under Account 22 will be calculated on the Earned Basic Wages, else you can select Pension Wages.

Check the Employee Master Form

PF Limit:
If there is no PF limit then insert the PF limit as 99999999999.
VPF Deducted:
If the VPF option is unselected then VPF will not be deducted.

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