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Wednesday, May 26, 2010
ESI deduction on Arrear for the month of April - Correction after 25 May 2010
Arrear Calculation in Webpay, Payroll Software
1. How to give arrear to an employee individually for previous month or months?
Eg. An employee is paid salary for less than 30 days in April as there were some LWP /LOP but it was found that the LWP was wrongly deducted. The video shows how to pay the arrear for the wrongly deducted LWP's. We call this Process Missing arrear in Webpay.
Click here to view the video
2. How to import "Process Missing" arrear to employee or multiple employees for previous month or
Click here to view the video
3. How to give incremental / retrospective arrear to employees ?
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Steps to Process Payroll in Webpay
Step 1: Create Ledger
Step 2: Create Paycodes (Paycode Master): Basic, Housing etc.
Step 3: Create Department and mark as per weekly off
Step 4: Create Cost Center
Step 5: Create Designation
Step 6: Create Region
Step 7: Create Location
Step 8: Create Unit
Step 9: Create Level
Step 10: Create Grade
Step 11: Create Leave Type
Step 12: Create Bank Master
Step 13: Create Bank Branch
Step 14: Import Employee or Add Employee using the form
Step 15: Import Employee Paymode
Step 16: Import Employee Bank Account No.
Step 17: Import Salary Structure or Assign Salary Structure
Step 18: Mark Attendance of Employees
Step 19: Import Tax Allowances (Relief): This step is to be followed till the time TDS Calculation is not complete.
Step 20: Process Salary and Tax
Step 21: View Salary Register (Do a self audit)
Step 22: Assign rights to view salary slip in ESS
Step 23: Create a user group for employees
Step 24: Go to the Form “Block Menus On Employee Portal” and block all the unwanted forms and reports that you want the employee should not access.
Step 25: Assign Leaves to Employees
Step 26: Assign Holidays to Employees
Webpay by BBSPL
Blog by BBSPL
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Webpay Updates as on May 24 2010
Updates in Webpay as on May 24 2010
1. Auto Arrear Calculation: The time to calculate arrear increased manifold. It has been rectified.
2. New FBP module has been created. Video on the complete process will be available in the next 10 working days.
3. Change on Financial Year Creation: New fields have been added in the process of storage at the time of financial year creation like Deposited PF / Deposited VPF / Deposited ESI / Deposited IT / Deposited PT. The values stored in these fields are due to Hold Salary cases where in the PF / VPF / ESI / IT / PT is deposited in the previous month however salary is withheld.
4. Change in Reports due to Staff ID and Point 3: This provision is mainly for temp staff companies. Temp Staff Companies supply human resource to work in other companies but the employee is on the payroll of Tem Staff Company, however the employee id is given by the client. In this you can use a permanent employee id for your reference and also have a staff id. Insert the id provided by your client in staff id. You will get staff id in employee master form. This staff id would then be published on the reports along with permanent employee code. Therefore the reports which publish employee id also have an option of getting the staff id published. If you find any report which does not have the option please inform us.
5. Loan / Advance process has been changed due to perquisite calculation.
6. Reimbursement process has been changed as a new rule has been added to the process i.e. reimbursements which are based on DOJ / DOL and not on paid days (Not Present Dependent) are now pro-rated if the proposed DOL changes.
7. Export of TDS Calculation: Some figures were incorrectly published in the exported sheet. This has been corrected.
8. Change in TDS Process due to change in Loan/Advance perquisite calculation.
9. ESI deduction according to the option selected in employee master. Earlier you were not able to stop ESI deduction of an employee even if you deselected the ESI option from employee master as Webpay would calculate as per ESI rule of 6 months period. Now if you deselect the ESI option in employee master Webpay would not deduct ESI.
If you have any advice for us please email us at or Your suggestions help us to make Webpay better.
Webpay by BBSPL
Blog by BBSPL
Thursday, May 20, 2010
HRA Exemption Calculation does not match
1. Go to Tax Settings and check what is selected in HRA Exemption Calculation field: HRA Exemption Calculation: "Prorate with paid days" means the rent amount will be prorated and "Actual paid amount" actual rent will be considered. Basic and HRA is also prorated I.e. if the employee gets full month basic but the rent amount is applicable from 15th of the month then Basic and HRA will be prorated.
2. Check if the total days (total month days) selected are same or not i.e. you have selected 30 days for first six months and then you have selected calendar days for the next six months.
3. Rent inserted in Webpay is Annual or Monthly.
4. Check HRA paycode is mapped with HRA in paycode master.
Blog by BBSPL
Webpay Copyright BBSPL
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Bank account numbers do not get updated in Webpay
1. Check if the employee payment mode has been assigned. If you do not mark the payment mode of employee then bank a/c numbers do not get updated. You have two options to mark payment mode either by using the form or by importing the list of employees.
2. After you have marked payment mode, you can assign the bank account numbers to the employee.
Blog Published by BBSPL
Copyright BBSPL
Amount is not considered for deduction type paycode
1. Check the paycode mapping. For eg. A deduction type paycode LIC Premium is mapped with LIC and you import the amount through Import Salary Structure or Individual Salary Structure. The amount for LIC would not be considered as LIC amount for LIC mapped paycode is considered where you have entered the LIC premium. Remove the mapping and reprocess the salary the amount would be shown.
Blog by BBSPL
Webpay Copyright BBSPL
Monday, May 17, 2010
Company Name on PF Reports
If a group is created for PF then the name and address will be picked as per the group and not the company.
Blog by BBSPL
What is the difference between PF Wage and Pension Wage?
Pension Wage: Pension Wage is the wage on which Pension Amount is calculated. EPS (Employer Pension Scheme) contribution is transferred to Account 10. Pension Wage is limited to 6500. This means that under no circumstance the contribution in Account 10 can be greater than 541 for one month.
Eg. An employee gets 10000 per month as Basic. His PF is calculated on the full amount of 10000 i.e. the Basic Wage is 10000.
Employees Contribution
12% of 10000 = 1200 (Goes to Account 1)
Employers Contribution
Pension Wage (8.33% of 6500) = 541 goes to Account 10
3.67% of Basic Wage + Left Over goes to Account 1 = 440 + 219 = 659
In the above example 10000 is the Basic Wage (PF Wage) and 6500 is the Pension Wage.
Webpay Payroll Software by BBSPL
How to manage increments or decrements or change in salary structure in Webpay Payroll Software?
You can do this by choosing between the options?
1. Assign Individual Salary Structure
2. Import Salary Structure
Choose Option 1 if there are less number of employees and choose Option 2 if there are more than number of employees.
Assign Individual Salary Structure: In the example as shown in the video I have only updated two paycodes i.e. Basic and Housing. If you want to update all then you can select all the paycodes. Secondly I updated only fixed type paycodes and not variable.
Click here to view the video on how to assign salary structure to an employee individually.
In Import Salary Structure: Please insert the Template ID. It is mandatory. Follow the instructions as published on the form.
Click here to view the video on how to import salary structure.
Webpay Payroll Software
Few Important Reports in Webpay
b. Generation of salary slips
c. Salary sheets
d. Year to Date Register
e. Various employee related reports: Designation wise, Level wise, Department wise, Tenure wise, Age wise, Experience wise, Gender wise, Blood group wise, Increments and Promotions, Transfers etc.
f. Employee count
g. Employee joining report
h. Employee exit report
i. Attendance report/ register
j. Leave application report
k. Employee CTC report
l. Sanctioned payroll vs. Actual payroll cost report
m. Budget variance report
n. Arrear report
o. Bonus summary
p. Leave encashment statement
q. Gratuity summary
r. Allowance/ deductions report
s. Earning details report
t. PF statement/ summary
u. Loan payment statement
v. Employee payroll status report
w. ESIC statement
x. Professional Tax statement
y. Full and Final statement
z. TDS related reports and many more
The employee does not show in the grid
1. The employee is mapped with location and the access to the location is not with the user who is currentl logged in.
2. The employee might be finalized. Try to search by selecting the finalize option.
Blog by BBSPL
Features of Time Management in Webpay
a. User defined public and company holidays
b. User defined weekly off
c. Leave policies
d. Online leave application forms and process for approval
e. Compensatory off management
f. Leave balance report
g. Record and monitor attendance
h. Integration with attendance recording systems
Blog by BBSPL
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Loan and Advance Module Working in Webpay Payroll Software
You will learn how to assign loan/advance to the employee, creation installments, manage installment adjustment, export/import installments, add extra amount and out of payroll payment.
User Interface
Employee Details: Enter the employee code and press enter then employee details viz. Employee Name, Department and Designation are filled in the designated fields.
List of Loan / Advance Transaction:
Assignment of Loan/Advance: If you wish to assign loan/advance to the employee then first select the transaction date (This date is considered to calculate the perquisite amount.), select the type: Loan or Advance according to this selection the paycode dropdown list will get populated. If there is no paycode as loan or advance nothing will appear in the drop down list. If you select the loan then Loan type (Perk Map) is mandatory but it is optional for advance type. The loan/Advance is optional it is used only for reporting purpose.
Loan/Advance Details: In this portion you enter the loan/advance details, Loan Principal, Interest (Depends on paycode property set in paycode master creation Eg. Amount, Simple Flat or Reducing Balance. If paycode interest calculation is simple flat or reducing balance and user does not enter the interest percentage then system consider the 0 interest on loan/advance as 0.) Installments to be deduct (This option is used to inform Webpay that installments are to be deducted in salary on Monthly, Quarterly, Half Yearly, Yearly basis), No. of installments (Here you will enter the no. of installments the loan is to be deducted). Installment Amount (When you enter the no. of installment then system shows the calculated installment amount. If Loan/Advance Paycode interest calculation is reducing balance then user can’t edit the installment amount otherwise user can edit the installment amount according to the edited installment amount the system recalculates the no. of installment. If the “installment amount” * “no. of installment” is not equal to “Principal” + “interest” then system auto adjust the amount in last created installment.) Due installment and balance are shown as the remaining unpaid installment & remaining unpaid loan amount and lastly Start deduction from is used to select the start deduction month & year
(By this Webpay will create the installments according to the selected month and year.)
Validation On Save: In this form there are some validations when you try to save the loan/advance:
1. Selected employee should not be finalized or suspended.
2. Mandatory fields should be entered.
3. Transaction date should be in current financial year.
4. Start deduction month/year should be in current financial year and salary of that month/year should not be processed.
Click here to view Loan Assignment
Update Process, Change the Installments Or Adjustment
You can edit the Loan/Advance by selecting the select button as shown in the table of any unpaid installment of the particular loan/Advance. You can then adjust the installment by Adjust installment, Adjust the installment by Export/import, Add extra amount and Out of payroll.
Adjust Installment: Adjust installment is used to adjust the installment of the selected loan/advance installment. You can select the radio button of Adjust Installment as mentioned below in Fig:1.4. Here you can select the Adjustment Month/Year then enter the “Amount to be adjusted” (If the loan/advance paycode interest calculation is reducing balance then you can use ONLY the “suppress selected month’s installment”. If the paycode interest calculation is simple flat or amount then you can either suppress the amount partially or suppress the complete installment). Adjusted Mode (If the selected loan/advance paycode interest calculation is reducing balance then you can select the +ive option ONLY for adjustment. It means that the selected month installment amount is adjusted. If the interest calculation is simple flat or amount then you can adjust the unpaid installment amount which ever way you wish to). You then have to enter the remarks/reason in the Adjustment reason field. Shifting method means that the selected installment Amount is adjusted in new installment, next installment or all subsequent months. If the interest calculation method is reducing balance then user can only use the new installment option.
+ Ve Mode: Amount is subtracted from Adjustment month Installment and added to Next months.
- Ve Mode: Amount is added to Adjustment month Installment and subtracted from Next months.
Click here to view how to adjust an installment.
Adjust Installments (Import-Export Excel):
You can export the unpaid installments of the selected loan/advance and edit the installment amount and import that sheet to change the installment amount as you require. (If the selected loan/advance interest calculation is reducing balance then you can’t use this feature.)
Click here to view how to Export and then Re-import changed installments.
Add Extra Amount:
With this option you can add the additional amount in the selected loan/advance. (If the selected loan/advance interest calculation is reducing balance then you can’t use this feature.)
The interface would show the total loan/advance amount, paid amount, total installments, paid installments and remaining loan/advance amount.
To add the additional amount to the selected loan/advance enter in the field “Add amount to existing loan/advance”, “no. of installment increased” in the existing loan/advance, enter the calculated amount of interest in “Interest” field and “effective date” (This date is considered for calculation of perquisite on loan/advance. For eg. you add the 10000 on 01 Jun 2010 then the opening balance of that month is previous opening balance + additional amount). If you enter the no. of installment 0 (zero) then the added amount is divided into all unpaid installment equally.
[Note]: If you once add an amount to the existing loan/advance then you can’t revert that.
Click here to view how to add extra amount to an existing loan.
Adjustment (Out of Payroll): You can adjust the loan/advance by using Out of Payroll option also. With this you can adjust the employee loan/advance amount by subtracting the adjusted amount. Webpay would reduce the paid amount “Out of Payroll” from the remaining amount of loan/advance. It reduces the installment from the last installment onwards.
The interface would show the total loan/advance amount, paid amount, total installments, paid installment and remaining loan/advance amount.
To adjust the loan/advance using “Out of Payroll” method you need to enter the amount in Paid Amount field (Paid amount should not be greater than remaining loan/advance amount.), Adjust mode: Cheque, Draft or Cash, Paid Date (This date is considered for calculation of perquisite on loan/advance. For eg. If you enter 10000 on 01 Jun 2010 then the opening balance of that month is previous opening balance -adjusted amount). If you select Cheque or Draft as payment option then cheque/draft no. & bank details are mandatory and remarks are also mandatory.
Click here to view how to do Out of Payroll loan settlement.
Deletion of Loan/Advance & Adjustment: You can delete the employee loan/advance.
You can delete the loan/advance by selecting the delete button. You can ONLY delete the loan/advance if there is no installment marked as paid of selected loan/advance.
You can see the adjustment by selecting the “Adjustment Details”
You can delete the adjusted amount by selecting the delete option. (If the selected adjustment is due to “Out of Payroll” option and/or effective date or paid date month/year of the installment is already paid (salary processed for that month) then you can’t delete the adjustment.)
Click here to view how to show / hide installments
Blog by BBSPL , Webpay Payroll Software
Webpay Copyright BBSPL
Attendance Process Menu
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Form 16 does not show exemptions of Allowances
Monday, May 10, 2010
Ticket System in Webpay
Step 1 (Webpay Admin): Create Ticket Category
Step 2 (Webpay Admin): Create Query Category
Step 3 (Webpay Admin): Assign Ticket Solution Provider / Authority
Step 4 (ESS): Create New Ticket
Step 5 (ESS): Add comment to Ticket
Step 6 (ESS): Provide Solution to Ticket by Solution Provider / Authority
Import Reimbursement Claim and Bill Amount in Webpay Payroll Software
Click here to view the video on how to import reimbursement claim and bill amount.
If you want to show the claim amount on salary slip then you can do so by importing the salary structure. Create a Reimbursement type, Variable and Used for Reimbursement Claim paycode and import the claim amount in this paycode.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
User Group Creation, Assign Rights to User Group and Map Employees to User Group in Webpay Payroll Software
User Group Creation: Click here to view the video on how to create Employee User Group.
Assign Rights to User Group and Block/Unlock Functions: Click here to view the video on how to assign rights to user group and block/unlock functions.
Map Employee to User Group: Click here to view the video on how to map employee to user group.
Blog by BBSPL , Webpay Payroll Software
Webpay Copyright BBSPL
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
PF / Provident Fund
If you select this option then VPF will be deducted on the Earned Basic else on the PF limit. e.g. if employee's Earned Basic Wage is 10,000 and PF Limit is Rs.6,500 and if you have selected this option then VPF will be deducted on 10,000 and not on 6,500.
New Joinees: Webpay will calculate A/c 10 (Pension) separately on the arrear amount for New Joinees. Therefore the total under A/c 10 might be greater than 541 for the salary pay month as the salary would include the arrear amount.
All: Webpay will calculate A/c 10 (Pension) on the arrear amount for all the employees. Therefore the total under A/c 10 might be greater than 541. If the amount in A/c 10 is already 541 for the month for which arrear is being paid then Webpay will calculate A/c 10 as 0. For eg. Arrear is being paid for April and the value in A/c 10 for April is 541, in this case A/c 10 will be calculated as 0.
No: Webpay will NOT calculate A/c 10 (Pension) on the arrear amount for all the employees. Therefore the total under A/c 10 will never be greater than 541.
Multiple Group:
If you deposit PF as per location / branch then select this option and then create the PF groups.
Deposit PF of employees whose salary is withheld:
If this option is selected then in PF Challan and other PF statements the PF of employees whose salary is withheld will also be published/shown.
Calculate PF Proportionately:
If the PF Limit is 6500 and the Paid Days of an employee are less than total days of month then the PF is calculated proportionately. For eg. Basic is 9000, Paid Days are 25, Earned Basic = 7500, PF would be 12% of (6500/30)*25 = 650. If this is NOT selected then PF would be 12% of 6500 as Earned Basic is greater than 6500.
If you select the Non-Exempted flag then amount of A/c 22 will be displayed as admin charges into PF challan else it will be displayed as inspection charges.
If this option is selected then all the employee whose pf > 0 are displayed on the PF monthly statement and Pf Challan and also counted in number of subscriber. If this flag is unchecked then those employee whose pf>0 are not displayed in the PF monthly statement and also not counted in number of subscribers
Display hold employees:
If this option is selected then hold employees will be counted in the number of subscriber and will be displayed in PF monthly statement and PF Challan. If this option is not selected then hold employees will not be displayed in PF monthly statement and PF Challan nor will they be counted in number of subscribers.
Recover PF with miscellaneous recovery on FNF when PF is negative:
If the Earned Basic of an employee is less than 0 i.e. negative then the PF would not come as negative in FNF sheet but this will come as recovery from employee. To make this work you need to create a deduction type paycode and map it with PFRecover. The negative amount will be stored in this paycode.
In the above image you will find some values, these values can be set by you.
Calculate Pension Proportionately:
If the Pension Limit is 6500 and the Paid Days of an employee are less than total days of month then the Pension (A/c10) is calculated proportionately. For eg. Basic is 9000, Paid Days are 25, Earned Basic = 7500, Pension (A/c10) would be 8.33% of (6500/30)*25 = 650. If this is NOT selected then Pension would be 8.33% of 6500 as Earned Basic is greater than 6500.
Admin Charges (Account 21):
If you select Basic Wages then the admin charge under Account 21 will be calculated on the Earned Basic Wages, else you can select Pension Wages.
Admin Charges (Account 22):
If you select Basic Wages then the admin charge under Account 22 will be calculated on the Earned Basic Wages, else you can select Pension Wages.
Check the Employee Master Form
PF Limit:
If there is no PF limit then insert the PF limit as 99999999999.
VPF Deducted:
If the VPF option is unselected then VPF will not be deducted.
Monday, May 3, 2010
How to handle reimbursements in Webpay Payroll Software?
You will find the explanation with Medical Reimbursement example.
In most companies medical reimbursements is given as an option to the employee.
Option A: The employee wants Medical Reimbursement as taxable pay component then it is to be treated as any addition (earning) type paycode. See the properties of the paycode that you should select.
Option B: The employee asks its employer to accumulate the amount and whenever she/he submits the bills, the claim should be given. If by the end of financial year the employee fails to submit the complete bills then the remaining amount should be given to the employee as taxable. To accomplish this in Webpay we create a Paycode with following properties.
1. Reimbursement Claim Form
2. Import Reimbursement
3. Employee requests reimbursement from ESS
Let me explain Option 1 i.e. Reimbursement Claim Form: With this process you can enter the bill amount and claim amount. Webpay will automatically calculate the claim amount based on the bills submitted. Therefore you only need to enter the bills. You can also use a process available in this form i.e. "Pay in Paycode". "Pay in Paycode" allows you to insert the claim amount in another paycode which is "Variable Type", "Used for Reimbursement Claim" and "art of Gross". This is used when you want to give Reimbursement Claims along with Salary. If you do not give reimbursement claims with salary then you do not need to use this option and you also need to create the third paycode i.e. Medical Claim. Check the snapshot below for the properties of Medical Claim.
Below is the snapshot of the Pay Slip where you will find the Medical Claim Amount. However this is optional. If you do not give reimbursement claims in salary then you do not need the third paycode i.e. Medical Claim.
Import Reimbursement: Using this method you can import the claim and bill amount of the Medical Reimbursement from Import Reimbursement Claim and Bill. Secondly, if you want to pay the claim amount in salary then you need to assign the claim amount in Medical Claim paycode (the thrid paycode i.e. "Variable" and "Used for Reimbursement Claim"). You can assign the paycode using Import Salary Structure. Therefore you need to use two import methods here.
Employee requests reimbursement from ESS: Using this method the employee would send reimbursement request when she/he logs into ESS. A request will then be approved by the admin using the same form as in Point 1. The process thereafter is similar to Point 1.
Blog by BBSPL , Webpay Payroll Software
Webpay Copyright BBSPL
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Income Tax / TDS is not deducted
1. Check the Income Tax Slabs for all categories viz.. Male, Female, Senior Citizen for the current F.Y.
2. Check the Paycode Property Template. The paycodes on which tax is to be deducted should be either Partial Taxable or Fully Taxable.
3. From Tax settings check what is the senior citizen age, it should not be 0.
Blog by BBSPL
Webpay Copyright BBSPL
ESI not deducted in Webpay
Make sure that the following are correctly selected and/or inserted:
1. ESI on the Company PF/ESI Parameter Settings form is Enabled. Also make sure that all the values are selected properly.
2. Employee ESI option is enabled and ESI number is also stored for employee.
3. Check the Paycodes from Paycode Master form and Paycode Template Property Form: Make sure that "Part of ESI Gross" and "Part of ESI Rate Gross" are checked. ESI Limit is checked by adding the amount of all the paycodes / pay components which are flagged as "Part of ESI Rate Gross" and ESI amount is deducted on the amount which is calculated by adding all the paycodes which are flagged as "Part of ESI Gross".
Blog by BBSPL