Friday, December 30, 2011

Steps involved to capture time automatically in WebPay

Steps involved to capture time automatically in WebPay

1. Enter the Employee in biometric database either manually or create a schedular to capture the employees from WebPay database.

Whenever an employee is inserted in Webpay a column(Updation_flag) in Employee Master table  is ‘N’.

Updation_flag Char(1) Default 'N'

To create the schedular to capture the employees from WebPay database you can use this flag and make that ‘Y’ after capturing. 

2. Send the punch time data in TrnPunchTime table whenever a punch is made in biometric machine. For this use the following table structure:

Table Name TrnPunchTime

Column_Name       Type        Length      Description
Pk_Id             BigInt      -           Identity Column (Auto Generated)
fk_emp_code       VarChar     10          Employee Code
DeptccCode        VarChar     10          StaffID / CardID
TrnDate           DateTime    -           Punch DateTime

Note: You only need to send TrnDate as datetime and fk_emp_code in case card id and employee code is same or DeptccCode in case card id is different from employee code. No need to send both fk_emp_code and DeptccCode.

3.  Whenever you insert the punch time record in TrnPunchTime table remember to insert all the previous punch time records in WebPay database which are not inserted in WebPay database due to network failure or any other disinterruption between the two databases.

Blog by BBSPL

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