Thursday, March 31, 2011

New JV Graph Report in Webpay

A new JV Graphical report has been added to Webpay.

Please click here on the link below to view a sample report.

Blog by BBSPL

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Change in Employee Master

Change in Employee Master

The effective date under the head Position Details has been changed to Settlement Date.

Blog by BBSPL

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Helpdesk Ticket Changes in Webpay

Helpdesk Ticket Changes in Webpay in Mar 2011
1. Helpdesk Ticket Category: No major change except the caption is now dynamic i.e. you can choose what to call it.
2. Helpdesk Query Category: No major change except the caption is now dynamic i.e. you can choose what to call it.
3. Helpdesk Location : New Form
4. Pending Due to: No major change except the caption is now dynamic i.e. you can choose what to call it.
5. Helpdesk Labels: New Form. In this form you can create the labels for forms Point 1 to 4 which are at present mentioned as Category, Query, Location and Pending Due to. This means you can decide on the nomenclature yourself. The three parameters viz. category, query and location are used to decide on the ticket response authority. You can now map the users as per these three parameters. Earlier it was only available with category. But still these two new parameters viz. query and location are not mandatory to be mapped with the user who is suppose to provide the response.
6. Helpdesk Ticket Authority: Changes done in this form is that you can now assign ESS users (Employees) to respond to ticket. This way you do not need to give access of company admin to the users who are to respond to tickets. They can do so from ESS. Secondly, there is a major change i.e. you can give authority to the users as per Category, Query, Location and Effective Date. Therefore if a user A is assigned one category, query and location and you wish to also assign another user to do the same then you need to enter the effective date. This means that one user can provide help for one type of combination at one point of time and the combination is Category, Query, Location and Effective Date.
7. New form added in ESS where by the employee can give reply to the tickets. Blog by BBSPL

Changes in Webpay with regards to Salary Structure Import method in Webpay

Changes in Webpay with regards to Salary Structure Import method.

The following change effects only import salary structure and not the individual salary structure assignment form.

Objective: The users of Webpay (Company Admin) can now be mapped with the template and the paycodes in the template. When the user logs in then he/she would only be able to insert the paycode which he/she is authorized to. Even if there are more paycodes in the template but you have assigned fewer to the user, the user can only insert which he/she is authorized to.

To use the above you need to do the following:

1. Map the user with the paycode in user administration section. However this process is not mandatory, if you do not wish to map the users with paycodes the process would work as earlier.

2. The user logs in and uses the import method to assign salary structure

3. The user would only be able to view the paycodes he/she is assigned with and also insert only those.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Changes to Form 16 in Webpay

Form 16 Source: Changes:

  1. CIT Address, City and Pin Code added in Form 16. You can add this in TDS deductor master under statutory settings menu

  2. In Form 12 BA TDS range added: You can add this in TDS deductor master under statutory settings menu

  3. TDS Certificate No.: Default value picked is Company Name + FY + Empcode. However you enter the value yourself in employee master under Position details of employee. You will find TDS certificate no. field there in. Whatever you enter would get published in Form 16.

  4. Taxable Reimbursements like Medical and LTA are added under Section 17(2) Perquisites. To do this there is change in paycode master. You need to map the Medical and LTA reimbursement with Section 17(2).

  5. A new section 17(3) profit in lieu of salary is also added in paycode master. You can create a variable paycode and map that with Section 17(3).

  6. Section 80 CCF is published separately in Form 16.

  7. The amount is now right aligned.

  8. The son and daughter caption used for responsible person is picked as per gender selected for responsible persion in deductor master.
Blog by BBSPL

Monday, March 21, 2011


Create Lock/Unlock Month:
Now user can create or lock / unlock month and year according to location mapping with user group.
1.Menu Configuration for ESS:
Tools-> User Administration-> Create-Update ESS Menus: Now user can Create and Manage ESS menus.

This means that you name the menus and decide the series of its appearance.
2.Password Configuration for ESS:
Configuration-> Company Setup-> Global Settings: Now user can restrict the employee to change the password as per the configuration in the payroll. E.g. minimum number of characters in the password, capital letters or numeric or special characters etc.
Approve changes by employee:
Bulk data updation process: Here you can approve the changes made by the employee in bulk.
Upload Expense & other Details:
Expense process upload on admin portal updated. ESS report for viewing the expense data created. On salary register head wise an option given to view the net salary with the expense uploaded by admin.

Salary slip with tax details:
On salary slip with tax details branch micr code was not publishing now rectified.
1.Salary Transfer Details:
On bank report checkbox added for one time selection of bank checkbox list.
2.Global Settings:
Now No. of days of leave encashment to be calculate for exemption from global settings.
1. Manage LWF deduction on arrear by adding a flag on PF ESI configuration form.
2. Add two more formula head to calculate the formula with PF employer & PF employer with admin charges.
3.Resume import form for import the new candidates resume for schedule the interview of the new candidates.
4.Tax Process:
Added Superannuation perquisite calculation on tax process:
Process: To calculate the superannuation perquisite from Webpay first map the superannuation paycode with “superannuation perk” and enter maximum exemption of the superannuation in the tax settings.
5.Tax Calculator:
Created tax calculator in admin and ESS module. With this the employee can check how Webpay has calculated and how employee can save tax. With this tool the employee would stop disturbing payroll team asking tax related questions.
Now paid days are calculated in attendance process, earlier it was at the time of salary process.
1. Adjust Leave is concept by which we can increase and decrease leave balance. And in all transaction leave balance will be automatically reset.
2. In the earned leave employees earn the leave for next year according to their working in current year. For example
In 2010 an employee has 240 paid days. If company provide 1 EL for each 20 paid days then in 2011 the employee would get 12 EL
. 12 EL's will be credited.



View Profile on ESS:

On edit view profile qualification option added. Now employee can edit the qualification details also.


YTD Register:

In YTD Register search criteria given for employee type
Form 27 A:
Form 27 A cost center wise report.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Unable to use formula in excel report in Webpay

Unable to use formula in excel report in Webpay

To execute the formula in the excel sheet you need to change the format of the columns in the excel sheet to "GENERAL".
Select the whole sheet --> Right Click --> Format Cells --> Number --> Select General and Click OK. Now you would be able to execute the formulas. The excel sheet that is published is in Text Format because if the employee code is 0001, it would change to 1 in excel.

Remember if the employee code is like 0001 then do not change the employee code column format.

Blog by BBSPL

Thursday, March 17, 2011


1.User Right Master:
Single datagrid given in the user right master in admin portal.

1.360º Appraisal Module:
360º Appraisal Module (NEW MODULE) added in HR menu
2.Company Menu Re-arranged:

CONFIGURATION : ‘MASTER’ has been replaced with ‘CONFIGURATION’. All Company setting forms, Master forms, Slab forms, FBP format form, Reimb. Cover letter forms are here with arrangements of new Sub-Menu.
EMPLOYEE: All employees’ related forms are here as likely before.
LEAVE – ATTENDANCE: Leave & attendance related forms are here for Settings, Request and Reports.
IMPORT – EXPORT: Import-export forms have been re-arranged.
TAXATION: Taxation forms as it is except Tax Setting, Deductor & Slab that are now ‘Statutory Settings’ of ‘CONFIGURATION’.
APPROVALS: This is new main menu that have approval related forms except Leave.
ASSIGN & PROCESS: ‘ASSIGNMENT’ has been replaced with ‘ASSIGN & PROCESS’. All previous forms have been rearranged. Assignment related forms as Salary Structure, Arrears, Reimbursement claims; Loan-Advance, Shift, and Overtime are now under Submenu ‘ASSIGN’.
HR: ‘HR Details’
has been replaced with ‘HR’. Now two Submenu ‘Recruitment’& ‘360* Appraisal System’ have been added from previous.
REPORTS: Reports have been arranged by new Submenu as ‘Monthly Reports’, ‘Master Reports’ etc.
TOOLS: FAQ, Query Builder, Dynamic Caption, Disclaimer, License agreement, User Administration submenu now are in this new Menu.

3. Parameter Settings:
We have Remove some fields from Parameter Settings and added into Taxation Menu in Tax Setting form mentioned below:
1. Chapter VI-A Approval
2. Max. No. of request for investment declarations
3. Default document status for Chapter VI-A declarations
4. Senior Citizen Age
5. Deduct whole TDS on Arrear amount (Pay month)


Thursday, March 10, 2011

How to request a rejected leave in Webpay

How to request a rejected leave in Webpay

You can edit the rejected leave in the ESS and resend it for approval.

Blog by BBSPL

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Changes in Direct Income Tax Calculation

Changes in Direct Income Tax Calculation

Budget Highlights - Direct Tax

The key Direct Tax proposals are as follows:

• Basic exemption limit marginally increased to benefit individual tax payers.

Basic annual exemption limits have been altered, as follows:
Current Slabs (INR) Proposed Slabs (INR) * Rate of Tax
Up to 160,000 Up to 180,000 Nil
160,001 to 500,000
180,001 to 500,000 10%
500,001 to 800,000 20%
Above 800,000 30%

– Basic exemption limit for resident women below 60 years of age remains unchanged at INR 190,000 per annum.
– Qualifying age for resident senior citizens reduced to 60 years from 65 years and the basic exemption limit increased to INR 250,000 from INR 240,000 per annum.

A special category of ‘Very Senior Citizens’ has been introduced for resident individuals of 80 years or more. The basic exemption limit for such individuals has been increased to INR 500,000 per annum.

• Employer contribution towards pension scheme shall be excluded from the limit of 1 lakh provided under Section 80CCE.

• Specific deduction allowable to the employer on contributions towards the New Pension Scheme upto 10 percent of the salary of the employee.

• Additional deduction of INR 20,000 u/s 80CCF for investment in long term infrastructure bonds is extended for one more year.

Blog by BBSPL